On 30th June 2009 (Tuesday), I went for a seminar in PWTC, Kuala Lumpur. It was like a closing ceremony for our FIRST STEPS Second Edition courses that we had been attending for the last three months. I went there with Divya. She’s my partner for this course. Last year were Tcer Nadia and Tcer CT Ros. I woke up early because I scared of the traffics. Hope you’ll know that this was my first time driving at the heart of KL. Before this I just drove to Bangsar. Not into the tall buildings there! Luckily we arrived safely although we “makan buah langsat” for awhile. Hu…hu..hu…
“Focuses on enhancing teacher professional judgement. Based on international theory, research and experience. Proven to work with English language learners. It is based on the belief that effective teaching and learning practice is :
F ocused on strategies
I nvestigative
R eflectives
S caffolded
T ailored
S upportive
T ested
E mbedded
P urposefully practiced
S hared
Each school got 3 boxes of books (Rigby’s). The books were marvelous. I love the colourful pictures and simple sentences. I think my students can read it. Even though my students can not read, it’s ok. At least they have the chance to hold books like that. I don’t mind spending money on books or magazines. Love to read now… :)))
“Focuses on enhancing teacher professional judgement. Based on international theory, research and experience. Proven to work with English language learners. It is based on the belief that effective teaching and learning practice is :
F ocused on strategies
I nvestigative
R eflectives
S caffolded
T ailored
S upportive
T ested
E mbedded
P urposefully practiced
S hared
Each school got 3 boxes of books (Rigby’s). The books were marvelous. I love the colourful pictures and simple sentences. I think my students can read it. Even though my students can not read, it’s ok. At least they have the chance to hold books like that. I don’t mind spending money on books or magazines. Love to read now… :)))