Sopim on9? Best ke?! Just click and click then wait for Mr. Postman to send the items. Tapi kadang2 boleh tertipu nga seller yang penipu. Suamiku sayam dah 2 kali kena tipu...masuk duit tapi barang tarakkk? Sian dia....huhuhu... Ask for me...Hmmm...stakat ni memang hokey and semua barang yang di klik klik on9 tu memuaskan hati beta. Dari kain pasang, bookmarks, bracelet, books, handphone charms, tupperware, couple t-shirts, games, watches....etc...etc....
Auww...I likee..!
owwwwhhhh i loike yg GUESS tu......
op kos....nice isn't it?
i likee yg pet tu. hehe. tringat zmn skoloh dlu.
nk thu lar beli kt mana online tamagotchi tu..plz email sy..
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